Northwood Grape & Cable Amethyst Matching Set of Four Souvenir Tumblers Etched "St. Joe, Mich."
These four Northwood Grape & Cable tumblers are a very rare sighting indeed. Never have I seen four matching etched items in Carnival Glass before. Besides all being the same pattern, they're all etched "St. Joe, Mich.", all by the same artist and all with pretty much the same iridescence. What a great find.
St. Joseph, Michigan, was famous for its Silver Beach Amusement Park. It opened in 1891 along the eastern shores of Lake Michigan. Perhaps a tourist had these etched there as souvenirs. If they had, it looks like "The St. Joe Quartet" didn't make it too far from home. I purchased these from Mike Carwile who bought them from a seller on eBay from West Bend, Wisconsin, which is just on the other side of Lake Michigan.
Be sure to click on the last photo once again to see how well the artist matched the etched lettering.
The Christina Katsikas Collection