Northwood Grape & Cable Aqua Opal Banana Bowl
In conversation with Don Hamlet on the phone today (Sept 2016), he tells me that Paul Berube from New England found this beautiful aqua opal Grape & Cable banana bowl about five years ago. He says Paul called him second, just after he had called the late Mr. Carlton Tarkington first, who turned it down when he offered it to him. Don agreed to purchase it immediately and was very excited to see it.
At the time, Don and Becky were just about to start driving their way to the ICGA convention. From their home in North Carolina, they drove to Maryland first where they would meet Paul Berube at the Beaver Creek Antiques shop. He purchased this "dream bowl" and he & Becky continued happily on to the convention.
This is one of two known aqua opal Grape & Cable banana bowls, this one being the perfect example of the two. Please visit the only other one known here on Showcase owned by Rod Kaps.
The Don & Becky Hamlet Collection