Northwood Leaf & Beads Amethyst Low Bowl
I’m calling this Northwood amethyst piece a low bowl, although I guess it could be considered a tri-corner nut dish to some, but a very low one, considering the fact that even with the twig feet adding height, the tallest point on the bowl's outer edge is only 2 7/8” high and the shortest point on the edge is only 1 7/8” high. The widest measurement on the bowl is 8 1/8” across. So it is indeed a very low and wide piece to be called a nut bowl in my opinion, and it probably wouldn’t hold enough nuts to last very long for any one person.
It can be found with a plain, rayed or flowered interior. I think with the nice color this piece has, the plain interior shows off the iridescence better.
This particular low and wide piece was hand shaped and can be easily found in the three basic colors in Opalescent Glass, but not quite as readily found in Carnival Glass, so I would put it in a category of just slightly scarce. Most of the pieces I’ve personally seen have the Rayed interior and there seem to be a lot of green ones floating around.
One interesting note on this piece is that you can turn it to three different positions and you’ll see that a low (JIP) “Jack-In-The-Pulpit” shape will show up from the front to the back. Of course you can also see two turned up “wings” to the left and right of the front edge as well in the JIP position.
Anyway, it has an interesting edge shaping that I’ve had fun with by turning it in different positions, and when sitting in a wire stand and looking at it from a distance, it actually appears to look like a plate.
The Mike Carwile Collection
Mike Carwile
Leaf & Beads