Northwood Peacocks on the Fence Aqua Opal Stippled PCE Bowl
The Binghams originally purchased this stippled Peacocks on the Fence pie crust edge bowl in the rare color aqua opal at Bruce Hill's HOACGA convention auction in 2000. They later sold it at their 2006 HOACGA auction.
At some point, they were able to acquire it again, and then they sold it again in September of 2016 at a Wroda two-day auction in Greenville, Ohio to Don & Becky Hamlet.
Pete Bingham once wrote, "This bowl may be the prettiest piece of aqua opal I've ever held! To my knowledge there are just a couple of these bowls known and also a couple of unstippled versions too."
Congratulations to Don & Becky for their new addition to their aqua opal collection!
The Don & Becky Hamlet Collection