Northwood Thin Rib Sapphire Blue Vase
Provenance: The Story of Your Glass
~ By Sandy Sage ~
In July of 2010, my husband Bob and I traveled with our 11 year old granddaughter to California. We visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium, drove up the coast to San Francisco, and then traveled inland to spend a few days at Yosemite National Park. Before we left on our vacation I contacted Marie Capps and told her that we would be vacationing at Yosemite and could we stop by for a visit? She was delighted to hear from me and said, “of course, come see me!”
We spent a delightful afternoon with her looking at, and talking about, her pastel carnival glass collection. We also sat mesmerized as we listened to Marie tell us her stories about carnival glass collectors, some still living and some who had passed on. We took photos of her cabinets of pastels carnival glass, one of which was used in an article, California Dreamin’, about our California trip. It was published in the October 2010 issue of the TCGC RANGER newsletter.
This summer when Bob and I saw that Seeck Auctions would be offering pieces from her collection at three separate online auctions we knew that we wanted one of those pieces for our collection. For us, and for many carnival glass collectors, the history, stories, and memories that are associated with a piece are an integral part of it, and they should be passed on.
In mid-July a package was delivered with a new addition to our collection, a Northwood 14 inch Thin Rib mid-size vase in sapphire from Marie’s collection. Knowing the provenance of this vase and our memories of visiting Marie (she has since passed away) means so much to us and we are pleased to have this beautiful piece as a part of our collection.
Note: The above article was previously published in the September 2016 issue of the Carnival Glass Action newsletter. It is reprinted with permission of the author.
The Bob & Sandy Sage Collection