Northwood Three Fruits Green Smooth Back Plate
This is our smooth back green Three Fruits plate we bought at a Seeck auction on January 22, 2004.
I wouldn't call it emerald green but it does have pretty iridescence with a good bit of blue involved.
A neat thing about that auction was that we met up with James & Barbara Pepper, of El Dorado, Arkansas, whom we had met at HOACGA some time before and struck up a wonderful relationship.
We also saw Alan & Lorraine Pickup of Hazelwood, Missouri. We talked to them a few times at HOACGA. They invited us to their house after the Friday night preview to see their collection of Carnival glass. We had a great time and were taken aback with their collection and hospitality. That began another great friendship that has lasted ever since with many more good times and visits. Carnival glass collectors are a big family for sure!
The Rick & Debbie Graham Collection