Collection of Three Fabulous Northwood Three Fruits Stippled Plates
Northwood made the Three Fruits pattern in ruffled bowls, pie crust edge bowls (PCE), ruffled bowls but with stippling, PCE bowls with stippling, and plates with and without stippling. So there is no shortage of this pattern. Even though this pattern is readily available, the beauty of these charms still brings a good price. Today, I would like to share a few of the plates from my collection.
First is the fabulous Northwood Three Fruits Stippled 9" plate in blue. I call this electric blue, but that's just because it's mine. The detail of this plate is very crisp with no wear on the fruit and a nice even band around the stippled fruit design. It has the ribbed exterior. Many have wear on the fruit and worn bands which may lessen the value a little. Blue plates seem to be as common as Marigold plates but bring top dollar for the quality Harry Northwood brought us with these plates. Who wouldn't pass this up?
Next, is the Three Fruits stippled plate in Marigold. I would have to say that this one is between pastel marigold and pumpkin marigold. Pastel marigolds are very light in color, which some people really like. Pumpkin Marigold is a very deep, dark marigold with a touch of green in it and tend to bring more at auction. I added this one to my collection due to the extreme shine it presents. It literally looks wet all the time with its shine. Hard to capture that on camera, but you would know it when you saw it.
Last, is the Three Fruits Stippled plate in a deep purple or amethyst base color. When I search for these patterns I tend to be a little picky on the detail. Again, I chose this plate for our collection over others because of the solid detail of the stippling and band around the design, and the fruit are free of any wear as well.
Now I need to find that Aqua Opal one for our collection!!!
Thank You for reading about our pieces.
The Christopher & Laura Smith Collection
(Please be sure to click on each one for all the beautiful details.)
Three Fruits Northwood
Christopher & Laura Smith