Northwood Tree Trunk Amethyst Mid-Size Vase
Big Betty was bought in a room sale from Gary Lickver at the 2014 HOACGA convention as a 35th wedding anniversary gift from Bill to me. She is amethyst, midsize and 13 1/2" in height.
Recently, my cousin Victoria DuPree and her lovely family came to visit us from Texas. She had last seen my Carnival Glass collection 5 years ago and on this trip she decided that this beautiful vase was her favorite piece. She later challenged her husband Kevin, who had not been in the house at the time, to find her favorite piece out of our entire collection and after deliberating for less than 5 minutes, he unbelievably picked this beauty out. Now there’s a man who knows his wife!
They had another cousin along for this trip who is a fine young lady, 10 year old Paige. She got to hold the vase, truly marveled at its beauty and said, “Why, it’s just like a peacock!” referring to the iridescence. There was the cue to encourage interest in Carnival Glass with a youngster and I showed her our many examples, including those that actually had peacocks on them. It is my hope she will remember the “peacock glass” always and become a collector herself someday.
The Kate & Bill Lavelle Collection