Northwood Tree Trunk Marigold over Blue Slag Mid-Size Vase ~ Only One Known ~
In May of 1990, Jon Lambert, one of the pickers at a local auction, called and said he had found a blue slag vase in carnival glass that was very unusual looking. It was found in Charleston, WV. The lady who owned it was an antique dealer and said that her husband had bought it in Chicago in the 1950’s.
At the time it was to be sold, Don was in New England for the Brimfield markets but flew home for the auction. We were able to purchase the vase and it remains one of our favorite pieces.
Christina writes, "When I visited Don & Becky in February 2016, Don told me that after he purchased this vase he had to go back to Brimfield Antiques Mart, near Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, to show it to the one man who would appreciate it more than anyone he knew. That man was Tom Burns, auctioneer. See, Tom used to own the Northwood Peacocks on the Fence Blue Slag Bowl that was made just like this vase of Don's.
I now own that bowl and by accident I discovered it glowed green under a black light. The first person I thought about in my happiness was Don Hamlet so I called and asked him to see if this vase of his glowed as well and sure 'nough, it did! See it in the 2nd to last photo.
There is nothing like my bowl and his vase; marigold over blue slag marbling. It's a real treat to see and hold and I am grateful for the privilege of writing about it and taking these photos. A big "Thank YOU!" goes out to Don & Becky Hamlet. The last photo is of Don & Becky, who were gracious hosts and made me feel welcomed and special. I cannot wait to go back for a second visit some day."
The 3rd to the last photo comes from David Doty's website here on his Northwood Tree Trunk Rarities page.
The Don & Becky Hamlet Collection
Article & photos by Christina Katsikas