Northwood Tree Trunk Marigold Elephant's Foot Vase
I purchased this marigold Elephant's Foot Tree Trunk vase from Gary Heavin in 2014. It once sold at the April 28, 2007 HOACGA convention auction featuring the John Muehlbauer and Jan Lambert Collection of Seaside, Oregon. It is said that John Muehlbauer originally coined the description of these Tree Trunk funeral vases as "Elephant's Foot", which must be less than 15" tall to qualify for this description.
John had three such vases in his collection, including this one, which all sold at the same auction. The second was an amethyst one and the third was an only-one-known pastel marigold one. When pictured all together, you can see where he got the notion to call them an Elephant's Foot. The last two photo shows them pictured as seen in the Wroda Auction catalogue.
It stands 11 3/8" tall, 8" at it's widest point, and has a base diameter fluctuating between 5 1/4" to 5 1/2" wide. It's just a tad bit out of round. It just adds to it's character.
The Christina Katsikas Collection