Rindskopt Czech Linz Marigold Vase ~ First Reported
This "Linz" vase purchase was from a online auction. I was just having a hour to myself relaxing, doing some Carnival glass browsing, when the vase came to my attention.
As with some finds, the listing picture was poor. There was only one to work with which made me down load the picture so I could use my zoom feature for a better look. I could see it looked like there were some nice pinks hiding and I was pretty sure the vase was dirty and would look a different vase with some TLC.
I had already purchased the vase at this point as the Buy It Now price was one I was happy with and Lee and I had spent a half hour already trying to identify it with no joy. We thought to buy the vase first and ask the questions later as not to run the risk of losing it.
As always, help is there for identification and I was soon made aware that the vase was quite a rare one, with this being the only one reported in this pattern. I am over the moon with this find and highly honoured to have my name linked now with the vase.
It is made by Rindskopf Circa 1920 in Czechoslovakia. It stands 9 inches high with a 5-inch opening and 3 1/2-inch base.
The Lynne Martina & Lee Moore Collection
From: Christina
Lynne, I want to congratulate you on your beautiful vase! It's about time this rarity surfaced into our Carnival Glass Society for all to enjoy. I love the vase and I love the name. I'm glad you took the leap to buy it first and ask questions later. Thanks to my friend, the late Bob Smith, I have located your vase in his Rindskopf catalog and have included two photos of it for your records. Once again, congratulations! I am so very happy and excited for you! God bless!