~ Susan Kaprosch Siska
Thank you for inviting me to share in Mentors Month. I have been reading all the stories and love them all. I am especially fond of the husband and wife stories that reach through the decades. My mentor is my husband, Doug Siska.
10 years ago, I met Doug. At first, I was apprehensive of his gruff nature and where I met him. When he told me he collected carnival glass, I had no idea what it was. I pictured scary clowns and oddities you would find at a circus or carnival pictured on glass and on display and spewed throughout his home. When the opportunity to visit his home was suggested, I went. I would meet his son, Dustin, and see what this carnival glass was all about.
My first impression was that of deep relief and secondly of how much they were in need of a housekeeper. I took in the colors and shapes. I could hear his passion and love of the glass come through as he totally overloaded me with information and stories about the glass. It was a great night.
The next day, Doug comes to pick me up for a date. My mother opens the door to greet him. He takes one look at me and starts charging for me. I'm thinking...jeez, we just were together last night so this is really creepy. Much to my surprise, he continues right past me and picks up a small twigs vase my Mom had on display. He continues to question us and Mom explains it belonged to my Gram. She often thought of selling it at a yard sale for 25 cents, but it reminded her of her Mom. When she found out it could be worth a couple hundred dollars, that vase was out the door and did sell on eBay later that month for $500. Mom was in Atlantic City when we told her. She still thinks Doug is the best.
Since that time, I have had the opportunity to learn so much. I was introduced to the most amazing people who today I call friends. Isaac, Casey, Tom Burns, Jim Wroda and so many others engage me and sometimes talk me into buying things I only get yelled at for later. It is all a part of learning.
It's been 10 years now and I'm still all about color and shapes. We have grown our business and have the most amazing time doing it. We love being together and honestly love bringing this glass to people on eBay. It is a whole bunch of work and sometimes quite stressful but it is so true that if you love what you are doing - and for me who you are doing it with- you will never work a day in your life.
Doug and I just celebrated our first year as husband and wife. Carnival glass makes us happy.
~ Susan Kaprosch Siska