U.S. Glass Palm Beach Pearlized Milk Glass Whimsey Bulbous Pinched-Top Vase
I purchased this vase from Pete & Paula Bingham in March of 2015. It came from the John & Lavina Decker Collection which was sold by Tom Burns in Strongsville, Ohio on March 9, 2001.
Tom Burns knew the Deckers back in the 70's & 80's. He says they were one of the first people to heavily collect pastels when not a lot of people cared about them. They started buying from Tom in 1980, either privately or at his auctions and says, "pretty soon they amassed one of the better "Closet Collections" in the United States".
John & Lavina both passed away before their collection was sold by their son, Gerald. The rest is history and this iridized Milk Glass Palm Beach vase is a part of it.
This 7" vase was whimsied from a jardiniere. The delicate pastel clear iridescence applied over the Milk Glass is called "pearlized", which makes this vase a true Carnival Glass item.
The last three pictures are from the Burns Auction catalog.
The Christina Katsikas Collection