U.S. Glass Palm Beach Purple 9" Whimsey Free-Form Vase from Jardiniere
I purchased this 9" Palm Beach free-form vase from Pete & Paula Bingham in March of 2015. They purchased it on eBay in 2009. The pattern wasn't identified and the pictures were pretty bad so they were able to get it at a very good price.
They thought is was one of the smaller vases swung from the spooner but upon arrival they were thrilled to see it was instead a big one swung from the jardiniere mould.
The last picture is for comparison purposes. To the left, a purple pinched-top vase made from the jardiniere, the middle is this free-form vase made from the jardiniere, and to the far right a swung vase made from the spooner.
The Christina Katsikas Collection