Westmoreland Louisa Green Ruffled Bowl
When my friend, Mike Carwile, sent in the "Rare But Who Cares" post and picture to the Woodsland mail list showing an 8 1/2" green Louisa ruffled bowl, it immediately caught my attention and sent me looking around the cabin to see if we had one in our collection.
You see, my husband Jack and I have been collecting Westmoreland's Louisa pattern for over 20 years now (what?) so I thought surely we had one of these tucked away somewhere. I found several ruffled bowls in Peach Opalescence but nary a green ruffled bowl!
A flurry of emails to Mike later closed the deal and I'm proud to say it's now our "Rare Because We Care" one-of-a-kind treasure which happily resides with a whole bunch of other Louisa pieces of different shapes, sizes and colors.
As some of you may know, Mike Carwile is a renowned author of many Carnival glass publications. Thanks to his keen knowledge of glass he recognized the rarity of this bowl. The common collector easily would have overlooked it. We're happy to call him our friend and we thank him for this exciting opportunity to have purchased this prized piece for our collection.
The Debbie & Jack Williams Collection