~ Dick & Diane Wetherbee
Our interest in Carnival Glass started around 1975-76 when Diane’s parents decided to move to Florida and we had a yard sale of many of their miscellaneous things at our home in Rochdale, Massachusetts.
There was a peach opal Single Flower 7-1/2” tri-shaped bowl which we put out for sale and then changed our minds and decided not to sell it after a woman wanted to buy it. The woman was very indignant when we wouldn’t sell it to her and from there we started researching what it was that brought such a reaction. We started with Bill Edwards' first four small books and then purchased Marion Hartung’s ten volumes, which we found were very detailed and accurate.
In the fall of 1978, the Fontaine Auction House in Pittsfield, Massachusetts had a carnival glass auction, so we went. There, we met a handsome, young man by the name of Tom Burns. He told us about Brimfield, Heart of America Carnival Glass Association, and the American Carnival Glass Club. We would continue to call him with questions and for explanations on the glass, and we have always stayed in touch with him and always will.
We have had so many wonderful experiences and met a lot of wonderful people who all had their part in furthering our knowledge and love of the glass. Stopping to think about it, we have also lost a lot of wonderful people. It’s a great hobby.
~Dick and Diane Wetherbee